9 Movie Prequels That Revealed Genuine Surprises

2. Han Was Killed By Shaw's Brother - Fast & Furious 6

First Class Crippled

For a series of very dumb movies, the Fast & Furious timeline sure is complex. Parts four through six are set before the events of the third movie Tokyo Drift, where fan favourite character Han is killed in a crash. The director liked the character he decided to keep him on, no matter how much it fudged the timeline.

Fate finally caught up with him in Fast 6, which reveals that Owen Shaw’s big brother Deckard is the one driving the car that kills him. This revenge killing is a retcon of the highest order, though it does a neat job of tying the loose ends of the series together.

It also helped bring Tokyo Drift – the black sheep of the series – closer to the other films, and fuelled the events of part seven.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.