9 Movie Prequels That Revealed Genuine Surprises

1. K Has Been Looking Out For J His Whole Life - Men In Black III

First Class Crippled

Men In Black III had a famously messy production when - in order to take advantage of some tax breaks - it began filming with only the first act of the script written. It suffered numerous delays and rewrites as a result, and despite appearing to be a hit it cost so much it barely broke even.

Despite the setbacks it functions surprisingly well, serving as a sequel and prequel. It follows J (Will Smith) travelling back to the 1960's to save his partner K’s life. J is also suspicious of some secrets K is keeping from him, only to realise during a surprisingly touching ending why his friend was being coy.

It turns out J’s father helped K defeat the movie’s villain in the past, and died in the process. The young J sees this happen, so K comforts him and erases his memory of it. That's right, grumpy old K was keeping an eye out for J his entire life, and it was no accident they met in the original movie.


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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.