9 Sequels Trapped In Development Hell (That Will Never Happen)

5. Bill & Ted 3

Hellboy 3
Orion Pictures

A sequel that’s been talked about since at least 2010, Bill & Ted 3 never seems to catch a break. Both Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter are onboard, with the story following the middle-aged duo who are depressed they failed to write the greatest song ever, and go off on a new adventure for inspiration.

Reeves and Winter have praised the script and the concept, and every interview for the last five years suggests it's right around the corner. At this stage, it feels like wishful thinking, because if the studio was really keen it wouldn’t take six years (and counting) to get it going; it's become a comfortable resident in Development Hell now.

The main issue holding it back, according to Reeves, is the projected budget is somewhere around $150 million, which understandably makes the studio nervous. Another adventure with these characters (and hopefully the Grim Reaper too) would be great fun, and Reeves and Winter look remarkably fresh for a couple of fifty-year-olds, but the studio isn't going to risk that kind of money on an old series.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.