9 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Comic Book Movies

5. Superman Flying Around Earth To Turn Back Time Is Purely Symbolic - Superman

Superman 1978 Earth
Warner Bros.

As brilliant as Richard Donner's 1978 Superman movie is, it gets a lot of flak for the scene in which Superman appears to fly around the world at a terrific speed in order to reverse the Earth's rotation, which for some reason turns back time and allows him to rescue Lois Lane from sure death.

Why It's Wrong: This is one of those scenes that brings out everyone's inner scientist, because quite rightly, simply reversing the Earth's rotation wouldn't allow Superman to travel back in time.

However, most people miss the fact that Donner never intended this visual to be taken literally: it was merely a simple, memorable means to convey to the audience that Superman was exerting his will on space-time.

After all, who doesn't see this image and immediately understand what Superman is doing? In a movie about a space alien called Superman, it's important to feel what's going on rather than cling to the core tenets of real-world science, but pointing out so-called "plot holes" makes people feel smart, so this is what we get.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.