Casting Harry Potter TV Show Reboot

6. Lord Voldemort - Ralph Fiennes

Roman Griffin Davis Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Now, OK. We hear you, alright? There is literally a photo on this post of Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort BUT he didn't play him in the first film! So, this recasting is completely valid.

There is also a thematic reason for keeping Fiennes in the role. Voldemort has done everything he can to escape from death, including split his soul into many pieces and possess the bodies of his followers. Keeping Fiennes in the part is a tip and nod to this method of being undying as well - you can reboot the film, but you can't ever be rid of Lord Voldemort.

Though he may only be a face on the back of Quirrell's head, he is as real a threat in this case as he was in the flesh.

Ralph Fiennes was single-handedly responsible for the Goblet of Fire receiving a higher age rating than the previous three films from the BBFC. His voice is perfect for the role and his presence is undeniable. While he may only appear as eyes and a mouth, with slits where the nose should be, there is no doubt that young Harry Potter would be absolutely terrified in meeting him.

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Harry Potter
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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick