1. Green Lantern Corps (2020)
By the time the Green Lantern Corps movie hits theatres, audiences will already have met one of their members in the form of John Stewart in Justice League Part Two. However, he will only have appeared on Earth and this movie will predominantly be set on the Green Lantern home planet of Oa. In the movie, the Green Lantern Corps will be a long-established intergalactic police force and they will indeed have Earth-based members, but this movie will see the call to action of an additional human (Kyle Rayner, perhaps?) and the rise of Sinestro - only this time around, Sinestro will return in a later movie (unlike after the previous Green Lantern movie in 2011). While Sinestro will become more and more nefarious as this movie unfolds, he won't be the main villain in it. This movie could see the Weaponers of Qward - working through tip-offs from Sinestro - looking to destroy the Green Lanterns and the Guardians of Oa. The Weaponers famously hate all things Green Lantern-related and use yellow energy to combat them - something that could contribute to Sinestro forming his own yellow fear Corps in the DCEU. A huge final battle in which the Green Lantern Corps face off with the Weaponers would be an awesome spectacle - and the revelation of other Corps existing or being formed could occur in a post-credits scene. What do you think the plots of the DCEU movies will be? Have we hit the nail on the head or do you have different ideas? Have your say in the comments section below.