Fantastic Beasts 2: Everything You Need To Know

6. Leta Lestrange Will Play A Big Role

Fantastic Beasts 2

Glimpsed fleetingly and described as a "taker" in the first Fantastic Beasts movie, Newt's ex-girlfriend Leta Lestrange will appear in the sequel as a proper character. Producer David Heyman told CinemaBlend that Leta is "quite complicated and damaged and confused, and Newt is absolutely still in love with her."

This will mean that "she has a kind of power over him," Heyman hinted, before mentioning that Leta is "a kind of tragic figure" as opposed to a fully-fledged villainess. Zoe Kravitz will play the part, and she told Collider that Leta and Newt's union is a "complex relationship" which will develop over multiple films.

The important thing to remember ('important' being a relative term...) is that Leta Lestrange is not a blood relative of Bellatrix Lestrange. Helena Bonham Carter's character from the Harry Potter movies was born Bellatrix Black.

She was a cousin to Sirius, and only gained the Lestrange name by marrying Rodolphus Lestrange. Either way, the Lestrange family isn't normally associated with nice people - could there be an alliance with Grindelwald in Leta's future?


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.