Ghost In The Shell: 10 Big Talking Points From The Trailer

9. It Heralds The Return Of Cyberpunk

Ghost In The Shell Scarlet Johansson
Warner Bros.

We’ve been disgustingly deprived of cyberpunk movies in the last decade or so, and it hasn’t really been in vogue since The Matrix; and please, don’t count the remakes of RoboCop or Total Recall. Since Ghost In The Shell is a cyberpunk classic it makes sense it should be the one to bring the genre a high-profile makeover, and it’s doing so in style.

If we play our cards right it may even stick around for a few years, because next comes both GITS and Blade Runner 2049. If they’re both successful they could usher in more big budget movies that have meaty drama to go along with the slick visuals, and if 2016's blockbuster season proved anything, it’s that we could use more of that.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.