Ghostbusters: 21 WTF Moments In The Female Remake

19. "That Came Up The Front"

Columbia Pictures

The film is a relentless joke-fest with an attempted hit-rate that could have legitimately killed people if every one of them had landed. Luckily for the accident and emergency departments around the world, the success rate of those jokes is embarrassingly low, even when it's clearly just a series of Saturday Night Live skits vaguely tied together.

The perfect indication of the joke quality comes with almost the first joke between the Ghostbusters themselves: when Kristen Wiig is duped into listening for EVP and instead gets pranked with a fart. Or, as it transpires a queef, because that is infinitely more funny.

It's the first in a long line of jokes that are incredibly juvenile and painfully unfunny. Chris Hemsworth covering his eyes when he hears a loud noise; Kristen Wiig getting slime in her vagina; Melissa McCarthy getting slime in her cleavage. These are SNL writers. This is the team behind Bridesmaids, The Heat and the excellent Spy. What the f*ck happened?

Ghostbusters worked because it was an essentially straight film with funny characters (mostly straight or sardonic): why anyone would think replacing them with four clowns (male or female, it comes down to the quality of the writing, not the performance before you lose your mind) would work is beyond me.

And then at the end it reads For Harold Ramis. Yeah...

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