Guardians Of The Galaxy: 7 Reasons To Get Excited For Marvel's Most Ambitious Movie Yet

6. Gamora

Gamora Guardians Galaxy Gamora is a stone cold killer (not to mention she's also a stone cold fox). Imagine Black Widow fused with the Hulk - a martial arts expert and no nonsense assassin, Gamora is one of Guardians' heavy hitters. Her ferocity, skill and healing factor are in league with (if not better than) Wolverine himself, so you know this walking, talking danger zone is somebody do not want to cross. In an almost twisted version of her character, Neytiri, from James Cameron's 2009 Avatar, Zoe Saldana makes for an interesting choice for Gamora. While Neytiri is a deadly hunter, she is also a graceful, passive soul who values the importance of life - Gamora won't bat an eyelid at slicing you open for the right price. Having a strong lead female of this calibre will be a real step up for Marvel. No disrespect intended to Miss Romanov; the Black Widow is a intelligent and deadly fighter who isn't afraid to stand toe-to-toe with the best of them whilst still maintaining her femininity. As far as fighting is concerned, the MCU school of "smashing things to pieces with fists and brute force" is a very male-dominated arena. Gamora is the game changer: she can punch you into next week and laugh about it. Guns? No. Shields? No. Gamora's weapons of choice are knives and massive swords. Fighting is what she does, which makes sense given that she's known as the deadliest woman in the galaxy. So what rationale can drive an assassin to whom death holds more practical value over life, into that of a galactic defender? Credits? Redemption? Boredom? It'll be interesting to see where director James Gunn and Saldana take this character, and which dimensions of her personality will shine through the strongest. Given Saldana's track record so far, however, she is sure to give Gamora some heavy emotional gravitas to balance out all that intended physicality, with her actions conjuring a magnetic screen presence.

Film Graduate, tea chugging, whiskey sipping metal head. Love of films, video games and a perfectly healthy appreciation for comic books. Black Bolt is the greatest superhero and Rock Me Amadeus is the best song ever made. No, don't argue.