Harry Potter: 10 Heroic Acts Committed By Slytherins

8. Phineas Nigellus Black Junior – Supported Muggle Rights

Regulus Black Locket
Warner Bros.

According to Sirius, Phineas Nigellus Senior was the least popular headmaster Hogwarts ever had. His son, on the other hand, was much more likeable.

Phineas was yet another member of the Black family who was struck from the family tree. Unlike his father, he did not believe his family were superior because of their pure-blood ancestry. In fact, Phineas was actually a supporter of Muggle rights, and though the details of his support are not known, he obviously wasn’t quiet about his opinions or he wouldn’t have been removed from the family tree.

It’s ironic, therefore, that the only son who was named after Phineas Black Senior also happened to be the one who was the most hostile to his father’s beliefs.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.