Ranking Every Chucky Movie From Worst To Best

3. Child's Play 2

child's play

Alex Vincent demonstrates once again that he's a fine child actor, feeling even more mature in this sequel, progressing his character in all the necessary directions. Andy's journey is certainly a tragic one, having been taken from his mother, and now having to try and pick up the pieces in a foster family, whilst attempting to move past his previous traumatising experiences.

However, Chucky comes back to life, and is quick to give chase, determined to once again steal Andy's body. Although, you do have to question Chucky's methods in trying to capture Andy, considering he eventually runs out of time, and can no longer transfer his soul. He has ample opportunities to ensnare Andy, but instead decides to dick around with his prey, and wastes his vital grasps at victory.

The did he/didn't he subplot is played out a lot better here than in Child's Play, with the focus being on Andy trying to convince those around him of the truth, instead of the film painfully trying to fool the audience. This brings forward a lot of urgency and distress, because we naturally feel for Andy's situation, and root for him to prevail over Chucky's evil.

It's great to see the addition of Kyle, who acts like Andy's big sister throughout the film. Though even she has a moment of doubt over Andy's innocence when Chucky pins the death of their foster father on Andy, who obviously looks rather suspicious, particularly with his crazy talk about a killer doll. But she ultimately realises the truth, and aids Andy in surviving, resulting in a truly satisfying climatic confrontation in a doll factory, where Chucky certainly meets many sticky fates, before his explosive conclusion.


Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.