Star Trek 2023 Movie: 8 Things We Want To See

4. William Shatner

Star Trek Kelvin
Digital Extremes

William Shatner is alive and kicking, having just celebrated his ninetieth birthday. Though his Captain Kirk is long dead in the Star Trek universe, thanks to the inclusion of the Star Trek V promotional photo in Star Trek Beyond, we know that Shatner is the older version of Pine - if Zachary Quinto could come face to face with Leonard Nimoy, might not the same be true of the two Kirks?

To be blunt, William Shatner has not been the most outspoken fan of Star Trek, yet he is an incredibly important part of the franchise and Star Trek's history. He has said in the past that he would be open to returning, though the fact that he was dead in the franchise would have to be addressed. Were he to appear as an older version of Chris Pine's Kirk, that simple fact can be ignored.

If this film does become a Time Travel tale, having a cathartic moment between the two men would be the ultimate fan service and could very well end up serving as a coda to the Original Era of Star Trek.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick