Star Wars: 10 Insane Easter Eggs You Totally Missed In Rogue One

5. Gareth Edwards' Alien Nod

Rogue One A Star Wars Story Jyn Erso
Disney & Fox

More than simply being a set of gripping tales told out in the cold pockets of space, Gareth Edwards' Rogue One, Ridley Scott's game-changing Alien, and James Cameron's subsequent Aliens features actually have a lot more in common than you'd initially expect.

Turning more than his fair share of heads heading into the flick with his mention of the chilling horrors having a bit of an influence on one particular element of his war-time Star Wars slice, Edwards' comment of "when you see a planet in the movie called Eadu, it’ll make a lot of sense," when pushed on the Alien salute in his film eventually made for one of the most subtle and admirable Easter Eggs of the lot.

Holding up his stormy planet of Eadu against Alien's iconic LV-426 moon, which first played host to the now-infamous Xenomorph and later the events of Cameron's follow-up, tells a story of a director who clearly went out of his way to visually reference a set of timeless films that made quite the mark on him growing up.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...