The Batman: 10 Characters The Arkham Asylum TV Show Should Introduce

4. Humphry Dumpler (Humpty Dumpty)

The Batman Arkham
DC Comics

Not every inmate in Arkham Asylum is a sadistic villain determined to wreak havoc on Gotham; some characters are simply tragic. Among those is Humphry Dumpler, a bulky, bumbling man obsessed with fixing things that he believes are broken.

One of the least malicious characters on this list, Humpty Dumpty started with simple break ins, taking apart various objects but never knowing how to truly put them back together. His obsession soon drove him to murdering his own grandmother, a sadistic and abusive woman, before trying to "reassemble her" in a grotesque manner.

His naivety makes him an easy target for manipulation among other inmates. As another character that debuted in Arkham Asylum: Living Hell, he serves as Warren White's inmate at the beginning of his incarceration, becoming the closest thing to a friend he has. Bringing him in would make perfect sense if the series takes inspiration from the 2003 graphic novel, and would help display more human characteristics of White before he's driven to insanity.

Dumpler could easily become a sympathetic character in the eyes of the audience, his innocent demeanor acting as a stepping stone in establishing the remorseless villain that will inevitably take advantage of him.


Seth Copeland hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.