X-Men Days of Future Past: 5 Burning Questions

2. Who Is Going To Be The Primary Villain?

magneto The Sentinels are certainly villainous, but they are the muscle for a higher operation. One of our recent articles here on WhatCulture explored the villains we€™d love to see in the new film, and good money should probably be put on a couple members of that list. Certainly Magneto and Mystique are bound to be up to their radical activist shenanigans, but in this story, it€™s mutants versus the world. Considering Singer€™s strong use of William Stryker in X2, it really shouldn€™t come as any surprise if we hear that Bolivar Trask, the creator of the Sentinels, would be a main adversary. In many ways, Trask€™s involvement would be pretty reflective of Stryker€™s in solving the mutant €˜problem€™ through containment and extermination, although Trask€™s motivations will likely be a bit different than Stryker's whole vengeance scheme. It€™s also possible we could get an appearance from Master Mold, the lead sentinel that creates all the others. If Singer really wanted to mix things up though, it would be a real treat to finally see Mr. Sinister bring his scientific madness to the silver screen, and he could probably sell us on Sinister being behind the Sentinels as a lead up to a future appearance by Apocalypse. That's quite a bit of planning ahead, though, and no need to drum up excitement now for an Age of Apocalypse movie that may never happen.

Tom Stadler is an American writer who doesn't shy away from a challenge. He was once given the daunting task of re-writing word-for-word, "A Tale of Two Cities". He responded to this challenge by grabbing a cocktail napkin and scribbling "A-Tale-Of-Two-Cities". Tom is a lover of sports, movies, and television, and will not let anything in life distract him from these things.