10 "Joke" Video Game Weapons That Are Hilariously Overpowered
2. The Groovitron - Ratchet & Clank

The Ratchet and Clank games are masterful examples of letting the player absolutely embarrass the enemies you face. From blowing them into tiny chunks to turning them to sheep before then turning them to chunks and then firing out robotic minions to eat their remains, it's a laugh riot that only ever seems to escalate.
And yet all of these pale in comparison when it comes to power and hilarity because the Groovitron from the Tools of Destruction title really dances rings around them. No matter the enemy be it tiny goon or massive boss, one simple flick of the wrist and every single one of them will drop what their doing and dance along to a funky beat.
This is even better in the Ratchet and Clank video game of the film....of the game....game where the music matched the environment and the dance moves were so expressive and joyful it was impossible not to laugh each and every time.
While it might not deal any damage, it's definitely overpowered because no one can resist the chance to shake that booty. Now just finish them off with a few well placed missiles.