10 "WTF, They Can't Do That!" Boss Fights In Video Games

1. Yang Is Immune To Special Attacks - Sifu

sifu game

Sifu made huge waves upon release, due to its unique mechanic that causes the protagonist to age each time they're killed.

However, the martial arts brawler also stood out because of its outrageous difficulty curve. Though our hero can stave off death multiple times during a single run, victory never comes easy. Unless all techniques have been mastered, the Game Over screen will become a very common sight.

Even though the main villain, Yang, is expected be tough, nobody is prepared for the final penny drop. Due to Yang's relentless attacks and merciless counters, players will want to rely on Focus, since it slows down the action and does serious damage to enemies.

Only then do players realise Yang has deactivated the Focus option, rendering all of the strongest attacks useless. This revelation is more heart-breaking for anyone who unlocked and upgraded every Focus technique, under the false belief they'd prove useful in the final battle.

Sadly, Yang can only be defeated with old-school martial arts, surgical timing, and pinpoint precision. If you didn't master those techniques, it's a safe bet this fight won't go your way.

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