10 Abysmally Terrible PS4 Video Games

5. The Quiet Man

Life of Black Tiger
Square Enix

There's perhaps no PS4 game more bafflingly terrible than The Quiet Man, which even with the major backing of Square Enix and its mysterious marquee reveal at E3 2018, was quietly dumped on PSN with zero fanfare.

Despite an interesting gimmick - presenting the experiences of a deaf man through minimal use of sound - The Quiet Man was ultimately an aggressively awful third-person beat 'em up memorable only for its howlingly terrible live-action cutscenes.

Many simply couldn't get past the fact that the game's plot is scarcely comprehensible on a first run-through - before unlocking the ability to play the game with, you know, actual dialogue - which was only compounded by the simplistic yet infuriatingly difficult combat.

With smarter execution The Quiet Man could've been a landmark piece of representation for the deaf community, but instead it was a borderline-insulting trainwreck, whose value lies only in scattered, unintentional comedy.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.