10 Abysmally Terrible PS4 Video Games

3. Basement Crawl

Life of Black Tiger
Bloober Team

Basement Crawl is an embarrassingly lazy attempt at giving the Bomberman formula an "edgy" re-skin, yet between its lack of a compelling personality and its failure to successfully replicate Bomberman's beloved gameplay, it was a whole lotta nothing.

Despite supporting up to eight players online, the game features only four characters to choose from, inviting low expectations from the jump.

From there, Basement Crawl gives players few options to tailor the experience, a meagre selection of modes and maps, and dishes up an unhealthy serving of bugs to add insult to injury.

Hilariously, developers Bloober Team eventually remade the game for the Nintendo Switch under the new moniker "Brawl," wherein it received only marginally more positive reviews, having been largely ignored by most critics.

And yet, despite rocking a ludicrous 27 Metascore, it's still not the worst-reviewed PS4 game...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.