10 Achievements You Need To Earn Before The Xbox One Arrives

2. Dead Rising - 7 Day Survivor

Dead Rising Dead Rising is the first game I played that I considered 'next-gen'. The Xbox 360's hardware allowed hundreds of zombies to be shown on screen at the same time in beautiful high-definition. Some disliked the format of the game, where story cases could be missed entirely due to the game's time mechanic, but Dead Rising deserves to be remembered as one of the most fun experiences on the Xbox 360. 7 Day Survivor is not a fun experience though. The unlock requirements for the achievement are straight forward enough €“ survive for 7 in-game days with the game's Survival mode, unlocked after the story is complete. What it doesn't tell you is that Survival mode features no save function. You have to survive those 7 days in one sitting. In Dead Rising, an in-game day equates to 2 hours of real time. That's 14 hours in one sitting to earn one 20gs achievement. Couldn't you just sit Frank in a safe corner and go do something fun? Nope. To replicate survival, Frank's health constantly drains and he needs food or drink to sustain him. So not only do you need to manage your food supplies (Frank is a hungry man), you also need to be extra wary of zombies and psychopaths roaming the Willamette mall. Did I mention this achievement requires you to play for 14 hours straight?
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.