10 Alternate Video Game Boss Strategies You Never Knew

6. Kill The Yellow Devil In One Hit With A Pause Button Exploit - Mega Man

The Witcher 3

Mega Man's very first boss is the infamously tough Yellow Devil, a gigantic yellow robot capable of disassembling itself and throwing its various body parts at Mega Man before reassembling.

The key to defeating the Yellow Devil is attacking its red eye for a brief window of time when it's reassembled, though doing so enough times to actually defeat the damn thing is a lot easier said than done.

But there is an unintentional helping hand by way of a ridiculous glitch which infuriated players can gleefully exploit.

Basically, after firing the Thunder Beam at Yellow Devil's eye, pausing and unpausing the game in rapid succession will allow you to inflict repeat damage upon him, because the game isn't able to distinguish that these are in fact the same attack.

Though this cheese method was regrettably removed from some ports of the classic game, it was mercifully restored for 2015's Mega Man Legacy Collection. Phew.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.