10 Alternate Video Game Endings That DRASTICALLY Change The Story

8. Asking For Help Cuts The Ending In Half (The 7th Guest)

the witcher 3 yennefer
Virgin Interactive

Amids the glut of atrocious FMV games that polluted video game stores in the early nineties, The 7th Guest stood out as one of the better examples of the genre.

Part of the game's charm was its forward-thinking inclusion of an in-game guide, the self-explanatory "clue book". The 7th Guest's puzzles were deviously designed, and the clue book offered less logically-gifted gamers a chance to see the ending. Yet if the developers' original plans had come to fruition, those of us who flipped through the pages of the book one time too many would have seen the game come to a rather abrupt end.

As detailed by video game archivists The Cutting Room Floor, the game's data files revealed an alternate ending that came into effect if you used the clue book too often. Well, calling it an "alternate" ending is a bit of a stretch - it's literally the original ending, just cut off at the point when it looks like the bad guy is about to win.

Thankfully, the developers came to their senses and let gamers of all IQ levels enjoy the ending as it was intended. After all, FMV was meant to introduce gaming to a new audience, and it's unlikely anyone whose first foray into gaming ended with them effectively being told "You are too thick to find out what happened" was going to stick with the hobby much longer.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.