10 Amazing Glitches That Made Video Games More Fun
GTA's glitches are unmatched.

Glitches and bugs in video games are usually a mixed bag. They can either be incredibly frustrating, to the point where the player can't finish the game because of them, or downright hilarious with how they mess with the graphics and turn everything into a surrealist nightmare of broken textures and out-of-bounds areas.
However, there is a third kind of glitch that goes beyond just breaking the game:
The error in the code runs so deep that it actually improves your experience! By adding some unitentional mechanics or altering the ones that already exist, these glitches add to your experience and make everything all the more interesting.
Some glitches of this kind might offer you some silly fun doing what the game designers never intended. The other ones will offer you a challenge to test your skills against. In either case, these glitches accidentally create a new and interesting experience that keeps the players entertained with their respective titles in more ways than they were meant to be.
Let's take a look at some of them and see just how much different their games are because of them.
10. Missingno - Pokemon Red & Blue

Let's start with the nightmare fuel of many kids growing up in the 90s: Missingno.
Missingno is a mysterious glitched Pokémon from the original Red and Blue games, which became the topic of numerous urban legends across the internet, simply because everything surrounding it just screamed eerie.
Its name literally refers to the fact that the glitchy pokemon is a missing number in the pokedex (it's listed as "000"). As if that wasn't creepy enough, its type (Bird) didn't exist in the original releases of Pokemon Red and Blue, and its appearance is a distorted mass of pixels.
Missingno can be caught on the east coast of Cinnabar Island. However, even just encountering it can cause your game to experience all kinds of issues. The Pokemon will temporarily mess up the game's graphics, break your Hall of Fame, and it can even erase your save data!
On the other hand, Missingno can be used to give yourself an unfair advantage, as it can duplicate items in your inventory, including the one-of-a-kind Master Ball.
Missingno adds some more fun (and fear) to Pokemon. Capturing it makes for an interesting challenge and a fun way to mess with your savefile after beating the game.