10 Amazing Glitches That Made Video Games More Fun

5. Minus World - Super Mario Bros.

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There were plenty of secrets in the original Super Mario Bros. for the players to discover, but one of them turned out to be a glitch which transformed the game into an endurance run.

World -1, also known as the Minus World, was one of the first glitches ever discovered by players and game designers alike. The glitch is famous for making video game history as well as causing the fans of Super Mario to delve deeper into the code of the game and discover 256 other Minus Worlds.

The Minus World can be accessed by entering the warp zone in World 1-2 by clipping through the wall at the end of the stage. Normally, the warp zone allows you to skip to further levels, but because the player enters the warp zone before the pipes can get their values, two of them will instead transport the player into an infinite loop of World 7-2.

This can make for an interesting alternative to just beating the game. Instead of defeating Bowser, you might feel tempted to try and see how many times you can get through the Minus World before you're killed, or you lose your mind.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.