10 Amazing Glitches That Made Video Games More Fun

2. The Swing Glitch - Grand Theft Auto IV

gta 4 swingset glitch swing glitch
Rockstar/GTA Fandom

For all its brooding and grounded-in-reality storytelling, Grand Theft Auto IV is still a pretty fun game for messing around and causing mayhem in, Liberty City. In fact, one of its most memorable glitches allows you to take this murderous fun to the next level (of atmosphere).

If you've ever played GTA IV to the point where you just started seeing what was possible, chances are you came across the infamous swingset glitch.

If you press your car against it just right, the swing will fling your car high into the air and give you a scenic view of Liberty City as you slowly fall to the most catastrophic crash you can possibly achieve in the game.

There are actually several glitched swingsets scattered across the map.

At the peak of GTA IV's popularity, players would spend hours searching for new cars to sacrifice to their swing overlords, just to see how badly they could destroy them. The level of carnage they were able to achieve with basic playground equipment far exceeded anything they could inflict with rocket launchers and miniguns.

The crash turns any car into a metal pancake.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.