10 Amazing Video Game Powers That Come At An Equally Great Cost

With great power comes great costs of using it!

Don't Starve
Klei Entertainment

In most video games, leveling up doesn't really come at any cost. You simply work your way to earn enough EXP or unlock a new weapon, and then you get to enjoy the fruits of your hard labor without any strings attached.

That said, sometimes developers can decide that some of the powers they offer to the player are simply too strong to be obtained without a cost, and so if you choose to get them, you best be prepared to pay the price!

Yes, the most powerful skills and weapons can require an equally great sacrifice to be wielded. From blood sacrifice to stat losses and even the lives of your companions and friends, these kinds of powers can't be used for free. However, they make up for it with strength that is unlike anything else within your arsenal and can possibly be the only thing that can get you out of a sticky situation.

The following powers are not for the faint of heart. They will force you to pay dearly for using them, although they're definitely worth the sacrifice.

10. Ebony Blade - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Don't Starve
Bethesda Softworks

The Daedric artifacts are reoccurring items in the Elder Scrolls series that are awarded to the player by Tamriel’s maleficent godlike beings known as the Daedric Princes.

The Princes’ boons usually require you to do some pretty messed-up things to acquire them, but the Ebony Blade from Skyrim is unique in that it forces you to commit atrocities before AND after it falls into your hands!

Being a trinket of the Daedric Prince of betrayal and schemes, Mephala, the sword grows stronger the more people you backstab. For each friendly NPC or follower you kill using the Ebony Blade, the weapon will increase its damage, meaning that if you want to unlock its true potential, you’re going to need to sacrifice a lot of friendly faces.

The benefit of losing at least ten beloved characters is that the blade’s damage will increase to the point where it becomes one of the strongest weapons in the game.

So while it is definitely a vile and evil artifact that will make you question your own morality, you can’t say it scams you on the gifts it grants in return.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.