10 Amazing Video Game Sequels That Won Back The Fans

8. Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 Good Ending

Far Cry wasn't in as dire straits as some of the other franchises on this list before Far Cry 5 came around, but it was certainly at something of a crossroads.

Fans hadn't soured on it completely, but the series was suffering through an identity crisis after 4 and Primal that threatened to lose sight of why people liked playing these games in the first place. For a time, Far Cry 5 could have branched off into virtually any direction, going down a wackier route with dinosaurs or sticking close to the realistic (in comparison) themes of the numbered titles.

In the end it opted for the latter option, ditching the international settings that defined previous games in favour of placing the focus on USA conflicts. It worked, adding just enough new to the combat, world and story to confidently bring fans back and clearly decide on an identity going forward.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3