10 Amazing Video Games From Last Generation That Were Never Made

8. Shadow Realms

Shadow Realms

An action-role playing game from BioWare is sure to perk up the ears and that’s exactly what happened when we first heard of Shadow Realms at Comic-Con in 2014. The PC game got a live action trailer and a gameplay trailer in 2014. It generated quite a bit of pre-release hype for its episodic four versus one format, choice of classes, and constantly evolving missions and game world.

Players would be able to carve their own paths through the story and there was set to be a tonne of deep lore and customisation.

The game would take place across the Earth and a parallel world called Embra where Heroes imbued with powers are awakened to face off against the Shadow Legion. In 2015 the game was ultimately abandoned so BioWare could focus on Dragon Age: Inquisition and Mass Effect: Andromeda and hey, one of those is a really good game. I’m okay with it.

BioWare launched a spiritual successor to Shadow Realms called Breach but that was also canned shortly after its Steam early access debut.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.