10 Amazing Video Games From Last Generation That Were Never Made

6. Sleeping Dogs 2

Sleeping Dogs 2
Square Enix

Sleeping Dogs is a huge cult favourite and it’s always been a sore spot for fans that there wasn’t a sequel. In fact, there almost was.

So this isn’t quite as established as the other cancelled games on this list as it was never officially announced, but sources revealed a pretty extensive design document was leaked that shows what Square Enix were planning. Developer United Front games had an idea for a very ambitious sequel that would arrive on PS4 and Xbox One. Bigger than the original, it was to be set in a recreation of China’s massive Pearl River Megacity.

There would be endless procedurally generated quests, cloud-based saves that could integrate multiple players’ single-player experiences and change the state of the game world, and a mobile app that let players control the city’s police force. Yeah, ambitious may have been an understatement.

Unfortunately, Square Enix was suffering pretty bad losses in 2013 when it had to pass on finishing the game and it opted to shift its focus to monetizing its mobile properties.

Ultimately United Front games closed in 2016, putting to bed any hope of a Sleeping Dogs sequel.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.