10 Amazing Video Games That Are TERRIBLE To Play

7. Mafia 3

Bioshock big daddy

Mafia 3 had the exact opposite problem to Final Fantasy XV. Some games spread themselves too thin and others become so boring it’s a surprise anyone made it past the prologue.

If you did make it past Mafia 3’s prologue, though, you’d be hit with one of the coolest openings to any game in the last decade. It kicks off the narrative and shows the motivations for a lot of characters in the story.

This story, as well as cut-scenes, though, are about as good as it gets.

That’s not to say you’re going to be playing a broken, bad game, but you will be playing the same level structure, copied and pasted over, and over, and over.

It’s no exaggeration, and this repetition becomes so overbearing, I could fully understand someone dropping this game entirely. I distinctly remember thinking to myself, “This game would have been so much better as a TV show.

Mafia 3 is broken up into little episodes, districts, chunks dedicated to different characters and arcs, yet there you are, doing the same kill animation, against the same enemies, in near-identical buildings.

Your only solace is a decent bit of acting afterwards.

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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.