10 Ambitious Gameplay Ideas That Broke Everything

9. FOUR Campaigns - Resident Evil 6

Doom Eternal Marauder

Resident Evil 6 may have marked a divisive shift away from the series' survival horror roots towards more action-centric gameplay, yet what ultimately sunk it for many players was the admittedly bold attempt to seamlessly interweave four separate narrative campaigns.

The sequel features campaigns starring Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield, Jake Mueller, and Ada Wong - an intriguing strategy to diversify the game from its predecessors, albeit one which quickly outs itself as favouring quantity over quality.

Beating the four campaigns can take upwards of 20 hours, and the strength of the campaigns is wildly variant, with Leon's more traditional, horror-spiced story being the consensus favourite.

Yet far too often the gameplay - especially that in the Chris and Jake sections - devolves into monotonous action schlock, demonstrating that Capcom bit off far more than they could chew with such an expansive storytelling canvas.

It's certainly not a lazy effort, albeit one that spreads itself far too thinly while trying to service too many ideas, in turn becoming the only mainline Resident Evil game that could be genuinely called a slog.

Less absolutely would've been more in this case. Instead, Resident Evil 6 is a game few outside of the most die-hard fans can ever bring themselves to replay from start to finish.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.