We're fast approaching the most exciting time of the year to be a gamer, as the annual E3 conference unveils the greatest upcoming innovations in the gaming industry from June 10th-12th. If you've got a new game or console to peddle to consumers, there is no better launch platform than E3: after all, who can forget last year's event, where Sony wiped the floor with Microsoft as they revealed more information about the PS4, shaming the Xbox One in the process? While it'd be wise not to expect anything as ground-breaking or thrilling as last year's next-gen reveals, there's still a huge number of confirmed and rumoured titles alike that we can't wait to see at the show. Still, what about those announcements that aren't 100% confirmed yet, but are simply presumed or hoped to occur? Whether it's a release date announcement or gameplay footage for a title revealed long ago, or the long-awaited official announcement of an anticipated game, this year's E3 will hopefully give fans what they want...even if we won't be expecting Shenmue 3 to be showing up anytime soon (though we'll still secretly hold out hope). What games do you desperately want to see at this year's E3? Let us know in the comments!
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.