10 Annoying Video Game Mechanics That Need To Die

9. Relationship Mechanics & Romance Options

Fallout Overencumbered

Obviously, if you are creating a dating simulator these mechanics are necessary. But games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Fallout 4 reduce relationships to a meter. Your relationship isn't high enough for 'x' character to tell you that they love pie.

It ultimate has a negative effect, reducing player attachment to a character to a single number. Everything you do in a game is to get that number higher and not further a character's story-line.

Instead, if you want players to interact with a character and develop a real connection, write a compelling character and have them do interesting stuff. People respond far better to the Yennefer and Triss's of the world than to the Macready and Danse's.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.