Every good hero needs an agitator, someone to pin the blame on, someone to chase and someone to make your cause feel just. When the heroes appeared, naturally, so did the villains. Whilst games had been blasting endless streams of baddies, it was apparent that there was a need for something bigger and more powerful than the peons you would stomp on level after level. They were the original bosses; Bowser, Robotnik (or Eggman to you non-purists), Donkey Kong, Gannon, Koga Shuko, the list goes on. Forever the heros bane, built on the same ideas to be standout characters, unlike the hero they were often overbearing, hulking and generally monstrous in their presentation. As with the heroes, over time, they have evolved to be more realised and complex to bring about different motivations for besting them, but still their function stands as a larger challenge throughout a game.