10 Awesome 2018 Video Games You Probably Missed (So Far)

9. Celeste

Celeste game
Matt Makes Games

A first impression might suggest that Celeste is simply the latest in a long line of hard-as-nails retro platformer homages, but that's a rather reductive disservice to what's easily one of the most meticulously-crafted and unexpectedly affecting games of the year.

Though Celeste demands tack-sharp precision from the player, it also never feels torturous or egregiously unfair, aided by extremely tight controls and a snappy respawn system.

The game's mechanical flair combined with its appealing visuals and neat musical score would be enough to make it a great platformer, but what takes it to the next level is its surprising level of emotional maturity.

Effectively a meditation on the punishing power of anxiety, self-doubt and crippling depression, Celeste tells a highly relatable story and cleverly transforms Madeline's adventure into both a physical and spiritual journey of perseverance.

If all this isn't enough, the game also features heaps of extra content - collectable strawberries and unlockable, obscenely difficult "B-side" remixes of levels - to keep you coming back for at least a good 20 hours.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.