10 Awesome Gaming Franchises It Became Cool To Hate

1. Call Of Duty

It's doubtful you'll find a game franchise currently more hated than Call of Duty. What began as a successful FPS series of games based mostly on World War II eventually evolved into a blockbuster franchise that continues to make millions of dollars each year for Activision. Yes, each year, as Activision has insisted on making Call of Duty an annual event. This is where much of the hate stems from. Saturation of anything risks turning a portion of the market off, and that is what is happening to Call of Duty. Many people are simply sick and tired of the series, and this feeling is only heightened by the immense popularity it continues to generate. The idea that the series appeals mostly to casual gamers causes many to despise it. There is certainly a case to be made about the negative effects the popularity of the series has had on the industry as a whole. However, why do certain people insist on hating something that so many people obviously enjoy? Taken on its own, the modern Call of Duty series is a well made competitive multiplayer experience, and this is why so many people like it to the extent that they do. The series may not produce notable stories or innovate that much between titles, but as a multiplayer experience it excel. If this type of game isn't your cup of tea, that's fine, but that doesn't mean you have to hate on it and anyone who invests in the series year after year. The elitist mentality that liking Call of Duty makes you less hardcore of a gamer does no one any good. Fans must be getting something enjoyable out of it, and that's pretty awesome, and you're kind of a jerk for wanting to ruin that. Agree? Disagree? Make sure to let us know in the comments!
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Call of Duty
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.