10 Awesome Multiplayer Video Games Nobody Played

8. Massive Action Game (MAG)

Laser League
Zipper Interactive

If LawBreakers perhaps arrived a little too late to take advantage of the hero shooter boom, Massive Action Game was years ahead of its time with its massive-scale multiplayer console battles.

Released exclusively for the PS3 back in 2010, MAG's big, juicy hook was that players could take part in battles of up to 256 players, an unprecedented feat for consoles at the time, and one which the game largely pulled off impressively well.

Yes, there were technical issues and the game's short lifespan made it tough to actually get 256 players in a single match long after release, but the moment-to-moment huge-scale gunplay was a ton of fun.

Sadly sales were rather on the soft side compared to developer Zipper Interactive's much-loved SOCOM series, and though servers remained in operation for four years, it quickly became a cult game rather than the phenomenal success it deserved to be.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.