10 Awesome Old-School Video Games That Deserve HD Remakes

4. Secret Of Mana

Secret of Mana initially began as a side-story to the Final Fantasy series but soon blossomed into it's own entity and earns its spot in the greatest games of all time list by its own merit. What Secret of Mana lacked in narrative innovation and character originality, it more than made up for in its gameplay, its unique real-time battle system, and its revolutionary use of multiplayer at the time. Probably due to its origins as a side-story to Final Fantasy and its subsequent attempts to garner a new identity, Secret of Mana does feel like a colourful and beautiful game that had quite a lot of good ideas thrown at it but couldn't quite reach the vision the developers had. With the benefit of hindsight and better technology, Secret of Mana is perfect for a HD remake. With video games pushing story-telling and character development boundaries, Secret of Mana's story can be potentially strengthened and improved whilst the characters can be deepened further and be given actual names. But what would potentially set the remake apart from anything else is the ability to update the original real-time multiplayer RPG gameplay into a unique and satisfying contemporary RPG experience. So come on Square Enix, stop pumping out those average World of Mana games and work on the Secret of Mana remake instead.
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