10 Awesome Rewards From Killing NPCs

9. Barry Burton - Resident Evil Remake


In the case of Resident Evil Remake, if you're willing to throw fan favourite character Barry Burton to the wolves, you can make the end of the game a hell of a lot easier for yourself.

When Jill and Barry are attacked by Lisa Trevor, Barry asks you to give him his immensely powerful .44 Magnum back, at which point you're given the choice to comply or refuse.

If you refuse, you'll be forced to watch as Lisa makes short work of Barry, and you'll then have to take her on yourself.

But there is a wider advantage - you've now got the most potent weapon in the game apart from the rocket launcher. More to the point, the Magnum makes the Tyrant boss fight later on a hilarious triviality, as you can put it down with just a single shot.

Sorry Barry, but your life was worth the ability to cheese the final proper boss battle the game has to offer.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.