10 Awesome Video Game Features We Can't Believe Got Cancelled

9. Boost Teammates Around The Map - Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare

cyberpunk 2077
Infinity Ward

2019's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare reboot gave the typical multiplayer suite a significant makeover with its ambitious, larger-scale battles supporting up to 64 players.

But Infinity Ward ended up removing another facet of the multiplayer offering after it had already been in development builds of the game for a year - the ability to give your teammates a handy boost.

The "buddy boost" feature allowed players to enter a squat position and launch teammates to higher ground, after which they could then pull you up. It's a fascinating idea which would certainly have added a unique flavour and extra incentive for collaboration between players.

But as multiplayer design director Jeffrey Smith put it himself, "[It] was badass if it worked, but it's really hard to get some random person to cooperate with you...You have to let somebody kind of climb up you and get you up."

Basically, he's saying that players are probably too selfish and single-minded for this to work often enough during anonymous online multiplayer matches, so they took it out.

Even so, the fact it was in the game for a year suggests it was a finished feature, and it'd certainly be great to see it resurrected one day, which is possible if clearly not that probable.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.