10 Awesome Video Game Features We Can't Believe Got Cancelled

4. Scalping - Assassin's Creed III

cyberpunk 2077

Assassin's Creed III was largely praised for its representation of Native American tribes, both by hiring a Mohawk cultural consultant and agreeing not to trademark names of value to the community.

But the game originally also included an uglier aspect of America's cultural past - the practise of scalping, with players reportedly able to scalp Templars during combat.

Reports from those who saw early gameplay footage of the scalping called it "incredibly powerful" as an action mechanic, though Ubisoft ultimately decided to nix the act for one of two suggested reasons - either because it wasn't historically accurate, or it was too nauseatingly violent.

There are nevertheless legions of players who would've found cathartic satisfaction in the feature, which while not a behaviour commonly practised by Mohawk Americans, would at least cement the ferocious brutality of America's torrid past.

Given that no Assassin's Creed game releases without at least a few controversies in its wake, it's tough to imagine Ubisoft ever bothering to reintroduce scalping, even if there'd certainly be an audience for it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.