10 Awesome Video Game Mechanics Introduced WAY Too Late

8. Summon Eleanor Plasmid - BioShock 2

horizon forbidden west

BioShock 2 is a perfectly fine sequel that only truly reaches fist-pumping degrees of awesomeness in its penultimate level, Outer Persephone, where players finally get access to the game's last plasmid power.

This plasmid, Summon Eleanor, grants players the ability to summon Big Sister Eleanor, one of Rapture's most powerful entities and whose abilities include telekinesis, fireballs, and teleportation.

Eleanor is also invincible and can be summoned ad infinitum to do your bidding, effectively trivialising the rest of the game's combat encounters, but in a way that's still extremely fun.

Given that the BioShock 2 is a relatively unchallenging game even on higher difficulties, there's not really any risk of damaging the experience by making Summon Eleanor available a couple of hours earlier.

It's a mechanic that immediately makes combat so much more dynamic and entertaining, and yet we're given access to it for just a sliver of the game's play-time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.