10 Awesome Video Game Trailers That Tricked You Into Playing Awful Games

2. Dead Island

Look, if there was an award for Best Cinematic Trailer, surely Dead Island would've taken it. An emotionally-stirring, heartbreaking trailer chronicling (in reverse) the exact moment a zombie attack tears a family apart. You've certainly seen it at this point (and may have fallen victim to it way back when), but the level of quality here can't be understated.

Just a shame that the actual game is absolutely nothing like this. Oh wait, sorry, there ARE zombies in the trailer AND zombies in the game, so there is one similarity. Other than that, the real game centers around mindlessly taking out endless zombies at this beachfront resort. Minimal story, barebone NPCs, and efficiently-dull combat, there's never anything Dead Island does to warrant your prolonged attention.

While Techland did hit their zombie stride later on with Dying Light, their efforts with Dead Island were a terribly forgettable one that could've never possibly match this trailer.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.