10 Awesome Video Games Ruined By TWO Terrible Mechanics

1. Motion Control Graffiti & Karma - Infamous Second Son

death stranding bb
Sucker Punch

Infamous Second Son was an almost-great launch title for the PS4 - on the pure basis of its graphics and its core superhero gameplay, it was fantastic, albeit let down by its superficial story and a couple of ill-conceived mechanics.

Firstly, there's the infamous (sorry) graffiti feature, whereby players can use the DualShock 4 controller to simulate the action of using a can of spray paint.

You need to first shake the DualShock 4 and then use the controller's trackpad to spray the paint onto the desired area.

A cute idea in theory, perhaps, but implemented in a goofy, corny way - it feels like a parody of a launch title trying to make the most of a console's shiny new feature.

Far worse than this silly aside, though, is the game's horrendously outmoded karma system.

Though the pre-release marketing promised players that the game would have a complex and nuanced morality system, ultimately it boils down to a binary set of good/bad choices.

Players are incentivised to pick a set path to achieve their maximum power potential, in turn effectively neutering the experience for those who would prefer to take a more ambiguous path.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.