10 Awesome Video Games Ruined By TWO Terrible Mechanics

4. World Tendency & Item Burden - Demon's Souls

death stranding bb
Bluepoint Games

Bluepoint Games' remake of Demon's Souls is assuredly the definitive version of FromSoftware's classic action-RPG, but it didn't quite make every last possible improvement to the brilliant-but-flawed original.

The game's infamous World Tendency system has received a few nips and tucks, but it's still perhaps the most controversial feature in the entire game.

Long story short, World Tendency is a morality system which shifts depending upon the player's actions - defeating bosses will push you towards white tendency while dying in your human form or killing NPCs will nudge you towards black tendency.

White tendency will give you easier enemies to battle, but black tendency's tougher monsters will drop more souls and more worthy items.

The system isn't fully explained in the game itself, and players are generally advised to look up a guide online to have a complete idea of how to master it.

Then there's the return of the limited inventory system, with the item burden meaning players won't be able to carry much in the early stages of the game.

While the remake handily allows you to send items back to the Nexus - rather than having to venture back there manually to drop stuff off - it's still a busy-work affectation having to even think about the load you're carrying.

Above all else, it forces players to think about something incredibly mundane in an otherwise mesmerising fantastical experience.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.