10 Awesome Video Games That Fail In The 3rd Act

4. Halo 2

Metal Gear Solid V

Halo 2 is in many ways a major step-up from Bungie's iconic original FPS, offering up an incredible, ahead-of-its-time multiplayer suite and campaign which daringly saw players swap between controlling Master Chief and the Covenant Arbiter.

Halo 2 also sets up a number of tantalising threads early on, the majority of which are still left up in the air by game's end, given that it ends abruptly with a closing cutscene in which Master Chief promises to "finish this fight" next time.

Considering that the game's last mission, "The Great Journey," feels less like a finale than an exciting ramp-up to the actual one, fans were left majorly pissed off that Halo 2's campaign basically lacked the promised conclusion.

It was later revealed that Bungie was railroaded into the delivering the game for a set-in-stone November 2004 release date, forcing them to scrap an intended finale in which Master Chief and the Arbiter teamed up on Earth to battle the Prophets.

Now that sure sounds like an ending, right? Instead, when Halo 2's credits rolled, players were simply left with a galactic case of blue balls.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.