10 Awesome Video Games That Owe Their Success To Dark Souls

7. Death's Gambit

Dragon's Dogma
White Rabbit

Not yet released, Death’s Gambit is already aping on the success of Dark Souls. That said, the game appears remarkably promising, borrowing elements from the Souls series, Shadow of the Colossus – which several other examples on this list share – and Castlevania, including elements associated with the role-playing genre, making Death’s Gambit something of a hybrid.

In the game, you play as an agent of Death exploring a medieval universe comprised of countless horrors – from demons and giants to dragons – tasked with banishing souls, overcoming challenges and fulfilling your master’s desires. The emphasis is on survival, and while the game takes cues from numerous sources – Symphony of the Night, for instance – the most obvious of which is clearly Dark Souls, which has influenced everything from the visuals to the combat system.

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Dark Souls
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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.