10 Awesome Ways Video Games Got Back At Critics

5. Letting You Kill Video Game Violence Protestors - Postal 2

DMC Dante
Running With Scissors

Apocalyptic top-down shooter Postal stirred up considerable controversy upon its original 1997 release, with politician Joe Lieberman famously referring to the game as one of the "three worst things in American society," the other two being Marilyn Manson and Calvin Klein underwear commercials.

Furthermore, the U.S. Postal Service ended up suing developers Running with Scissors for their implied representation of the profession, despite the fact that the protagonist, known only as "the Postal Dude," is never depicted as a member of the USPS.

Anyway, for the 2003 sequel, the developers found a novel way to play with all the criticism that stemmed from the first game, while also stirring up an entirely new avalanche of controversy.

Postal 2 allowed players to visit and desecrate the offices of Running with Scissors itself, laying waste to anyone they find inside.

But the developers weren't ever going to simply stop there, and so also allowed players to slaughter a fleet of protestors picketing outside the company's offices.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.