10 Awesome Weapons That Actually Made Video Games Worse

9. Ropecaster - Horizon Zero Dawn

Kingdom Hearts 3
Guerrilla Games

The world of Horizon Zero Dawn is filled with dozens of brilliantly innovative weapons, but there's one which proves so hilariously effective that some players have actually made the conscious decision not to use it.

We're talking of course about the Ropecaster, a ranged weapon which can be fired at machine foes, in turn pinning them to the ground and allowing the player to either override or kill them with relative ease.

It's especially useful for taking down larger enemies such as the Thunderjaw and Stormbird, and makes the player so capable of keeping control of the battlefield during a hectic fight that it arguably reduces combat to a pure cakewalk.

Though the Ropecaster eats through your resources like nobody's business, it substantially nerfs the difficulty of almost every significant enemy in the game - especially if you use the Lodge Ropecaster - and makes Aloy's ultimate victory feel a little less earned as a result.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.